Sunday, August 23, 2009


I have a confession to make. I am not a writer. I do love literature. I love a good story. Heck, I love books. Always have. What I don't really warm up to is the sitting down at the desk and staring at the screen part of the whole thing. I am not someone who likes to sit for long periods of time. And the typing. I can't really type. It's more pecking at the keyboard like a hungry bird looking for seeds in the grass. I can't spell either. Thank God for spellcheck.
So if I can't type and I can't spell, (and I forgot to mention my grammar), what am I? Not a writer. Nope.
I think I'm an imaginationist. Yes, that's it. That's what I am. It sounds good anyway. I explore the fields and woods of my imagination. I know. Weird. But I'm just being truthful here.
I have always daydreamed. It has gotten me into some awful jams over the years at school and at work.
I try to fit into the world of practical people, the people who don't have time for creativity, where others want me to be every day. I do manage to balance my time in the real world while finding the time to be creative.
Once I accepted that I am an imaginationist I could finally get down to writing my stories. The stories that had been floating around in my head for a long time. I stopped worrying what others thought of me. I struggle daily with the practical side of writng, but I allow myself the time to create. I get into my characters and walk around in their shoes. I hope it makes a difference in my books.

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